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Married at First Sight

Married at First Sight Viewers Demand Better Matches: Michael and Lauren’s Potential Chemistry Sparks Debate

Fans of “Married at First Sight” are convinced they could have done a better job than the show’s experts this season, citing the mismatches and subsequent drama. The show, known for its unconventional approach to matrimony, pairs strangers together based on expert recommendations, but this season has left viewers questioning the experts’ matchmaking abilities.

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The Call for a Switcheroo: Michael Shiakallis and Lauren

Among the most talked-about potential matches is between Michael Shiakallis and Lauren, who fans believe were poorly matched with their respective partners. Michael, originally paired with Chloe Brown, and Lauren, initially matched with Orion, have both endured tumultuous experiences.

Lauren’s Rocky Honeymoon with Orion

Lauren’s journey started on a hopeful note with an instant connection to Orion. However, the honeymoon phase quickly soured as Orion’s behavior revealed troubling traits. His gaslighting, slut-shaming, and blaming Lauren for upsetting his fragile ego culminated in him asking for a divorce. This left Lauren navigating the emotional fallout from a failed match.

Michael’s Bride Left Him at the Altar

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MAFS: Where Are They Now teases romance between Lauren and Michael

Michael’s situation was uniquely heartbreaking as his bride left him at the altar. The experts attempted a second match for the 38-year-old, but viewers remain skeptical about its success. The new pairing with Chloe Brown hasn’t convinced fans that the experts redeemed themselves.

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Fans Believe Michael and Lauren Should Have Been Paired

On social media, particularly Instagram, viewers voiced their opinions on the potential chemistry between Michael and Lauren. Many believe that they should have been matched from the start, citing their graceful handling of their unfortunate situations.

One commenter stated, “Michael and Lauren would have been a better match.” Another added, “Yeah I heard that Michael and Chloe don’t stay together so I’m gonna need Lauren and Michael to get together….”

The sentiment was echoed by another fan, “I LOVE MICHAEL and I want to go on record saying he should have been matched with Lauren. Nothing wrong with Chloe, but Lauren is all about it. Just saying.” Yet another viewer hoped for a future connection: “If Michael and what’s her face divorce at the end, I hope Lauren chks him out. I think they’d really get along long term.”

The Current State of Michael and Chloe’s Marriage

MAFS fans want Michael and Lauren together

Despite the fans’ wishes, Michael remains married to Chloe for now. Their relationship, however, faces significant challenges, particularly regarding Michael’s fashion choices. Chloe appears uncomfortable with Michael’s embrace of feminine fashion, which includes wearing skirts and borrowing her jewelry.

The couple’s return from their honeymoon and subsequent visits to each other’s homes have shown Chloe’s discomfort with Michael’s style. The 39-year-old Chloe has never dated a man who expresses his femininity so openly, leading to doubts about her ability to accept Michael as he is.

Can Chloe Accept Michael’s Femininity?

Michael’s affinity for skirts and feminine accessories like pearl necklaces and hoop earrings has been a point of contention. Chloe’s traditional views on masculinity could create a rift in their relationship. Whether Chloe can overcome her discomfort and embrace Michael’s unique style remains to be seen.

The Future for Michael and Lauren?

While fans eagerly await the outcome of Michael and Chloe’s marriage, they continue to champion a future pairing of Michael and Lauren. The consensus among viewers is that Michael and Lauren share a compatibility that could have led to a more successful and fulfilling relationship from the start.

Source: https://www.nbcnews.com/
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