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Married at First Sight

What Happened To Paige & Chris After Married At First Sight Season 12?

The drama of Chris Williams and Paige Banks overshadowed all the other couples on Married at First Sight season 12. They were clearly not a good match from day one, and things only went downhill from there. Chris received most of the blame for his bad treatment of Paige, but people also felt that some of the blame was on Paige, after she continued to give Chris seemingly endless “second” chances. Chris almost managed to talk her out of divorcing him on Decision Day, but Paige finally chose to do what was best for herself, by walking away.

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Though Paige ultimately chose to divorce Chris (the Married at First Sight villain) on Decision Day, that didn’t turn out to be the end of their relationship. When they appeared on the reunion show, hosted by Kevin Frazier, they revealed the news everyone had feared: Chris and Paige decided to attend counseling to try and fix their marriage again. Luckily, Paige decided not to move in with Chris while they saw the counselor, and when things didn’t improve, she realized divorce was the only option.

Paige & Chris Had Drama After Decision Day On Married At First Sight

Since then, it seems like Paige is moving forward with her life, while Chris can’t stop looking back. Paige has been very positive on her Instagram, thanking her mother for supporting her, and even bringing home a new fur-baby, an adorable small dog named Cash. Paige, who’s inspiring her Instagram followers, also went on a date, giving Essence an exclusive to follow her, at least, for part of the date. Overall, Married at First Sight fans are happy to see Paige healing, and moving on after her painful marriage to Chris.

As for Chris, he seemingly hasn’t moved on at all. He keeps defending his behavior online, although he never wins himself any new fans. Most recently, he promoted a YouTube interview with relationship expert Love McPherson, where he said he was ready to talk about the good and the bad in his relationship with Paige on Married at First Sight. In the interview, Chris, who felt pestered by MAFS critics, made excuses for all his behavior, assigning blame, but saving very little for himself. Despite Chris promoting it with teasers, the video was taken down shortly after it was posted.

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Chris’ Relationship With Mercedes Myrick Got Attention


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Chris had quite a serious relationship, which ended just months before he became a Married At First Sight cast member. His former partner is named Mercedes Myrick, and in March 2021, Chris revealed some heartbreaking information. He said that Mercedes had a miscarriage in the sixth week of her pregnancy. He was crushed, as he’d been ecstatic when he found out that he was going to be a father.

While MAFS fans won’t forget Chris’ behavior, the miscarriage news was very sad. People may focus on the bad things about him because he references his show stint so often. Chris plays up his villain status in his Instagram bio, seemingly taunting followers by simultaneously describing himself as a “part time villain” and “man of God.” He’ll do little dances, as seen in Chris’ post above, almost defying his haters.

Paige Is Living Her Best Life In 2023


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Paige’s showing her sunny side on Instagram in 2023. As she stated in the post above, she’s, “creating my own lane and sticking to it.” In late January, she shared that she’d closed on her second home seven months before. She was standing by as it was being constructed, and seemed to get a lot of pleasure from watching it take shape. While she hasn’t been flaunting a new love interest on social media, she’s glowing, and miles from the “villain” that is Chris. In November 2022, via Essence, she let fans know that she had learned a lot from her relationship, even though it was a wild ride.

Paige has realized that her reality show appearance doesn’t have to define the rest of her life. Until Chris can learn that lesson, he’s doomed to keep butting heads with critics. With some soul-searching, and work with a good counselor, Chris could change the behavior that left him with a villain label on Married at First Sight season 12.

Source: https://www.nbcnews.com/
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