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General Hospital

General Hospital Spoilers: Nikolas Unveils Shocking Secret While Rescuing Sonny

General Hospital spoilers reveal that in previous episodes, Ava went to Pentonville prison to visit Nicholas. This meeting is full of emotion and tension as Ava decides to confess a secret. She reveals to Nicholas that she knows Sonny’s bipolar medication has been switched. This information makes Nicholas extremely shocked and confused. He couldn’t understand why Ava kept this a secret and didn’t warn Sonny, especially since Nicholas also knew Ava liked Sonny. Nicholas was well aware that not receiving proper treatment could worsen Sonny’s bipolar condition, causing serious consequences.

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Ava explains that she’s been trapped between many pressures and personal conflicts, and that confessing to Nicholas now is a last-ditch effort to find a solution. She hopes that Nicholas will help her come up with good solutions for the current situation. What will Nicholas do after knowing the truth? What will happen next?

Meanwhile, Nicholas used to hate Sonny, but recent experiences have changed him. Nicholas has realized the value of kindness; instead of wanting revenge, he now just wants everyone to be happy. When he learned that Sonny’s bipolar medication had been switched, he couldn’t stand by and do nothing. He decided to tell Laura. Laura was surprised and worried, feeling the need to act immediately to help Sonny. She knew that mental stability was important not only to Sonny but to many people.

General Hospital Spoilers May 29, 2023 Through June 9, 2023

Nicholas just wants to help Sonny return to normalcy and avoid potentially serious consequences. He hopes that timely intervention will help Sonny control his illness. Laura then decides to meet Sonny to tell him the truth about the medication being switched. When he hears Laura, Sonny is extremely shocked and can’t believe what he hears. However, he also feels grateful for Laura and Nicholas’s efforts to bring this matter to light. He realizes they just want to help him make sure he gets the right treatment.

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What Happened to Nikolas on General Hospital? | Soaps In Depth

After understanding the situation, Sonny immediately goes to the doctor to check and adjust the dosage. The doctor prescribes new medication and instructs Sonny on the correct dosage. Sonny will be able to better control his bipolar condition and return to a normal life. Laura and Nicholas’s support helps Sonny realize the importance of proper treatment.

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Then, Sonny will find the mastermind who wants to harm him. Will Sonny find that person and make him pay? How will things turn out?

Source: https://www.nbcnews.com/
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