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General Hospital

General Hospital Spoilers: Nikolas Cassadine On His Way Back – Did He Kill Austin?

General Hospital spoilers indicate that Nikolas Cassadine (Adam Huss) is on his way back to Port Charles. Could Nikolas be the person who killed Austin Holt (ex-Roger Howarth)? Why would Nikolas pull the plug on the person who saved his life?

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Austin Holt Saved Nikolas Cassadine From Certain Death

General Hospital Spoilers reveal that Nikolas would not be alive if Austin hadn’t saved him after Ava Jerome (Maura West) cracked him over the head.

General Hospital: Nikolas Cassadine (Adam Huss)

Of course, saving Nik wasn’t exactly Austin’s idea. However, it was a means to an end. Austin certainly used this to his advantage to get close to Ava. In the meantime, Austin lied to Ava all of that time.

Austin certainly didn’t object to how this situation ended him up in Ava’s bed. Austin may have been able to pull off a real relationship with Ava if he hadn’t been lying to her the whole time.

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Ava had plenty of reason to want Austin gone, especially after Mason Gatlin (ex-Nathanyeal Grey) kidnapped her. However, Ava is much better at covering her tracks.

GH Spoilers: Why Would Nikolas Cassadine Kill Austin Holt?

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Nikolas truly had no reason to kill Austin. Austin never did anything to hurt Nikolas. Austin never tried to hold him hostage.

Austin never even tried to stop Nikolas when he decided it was time to leave after coming out of his coma There really was no bad blood between Nikolas and Austin so why would Nikolas kill him?

Could Austin be trying to blackmail Nikolas after everything that has gone on? Ava has inherited most of Nikolas’ assets. Ava even put Wydemere up for sale so she could move off the island.

Austin could have been squeezing him for money to take off and get out of town. After all, Cyrus had been giving him orders for months. Perhaps Nikolas got tired of the pressure.

General Hospital: Austin Holt (ex-Roger Howarth)

General Hospital Spoilers: Did Nikolas Cassadine Plan To Frame Ava Jerome?

Nikolas could have killed Austin to frame Ava. Nikolas wouldn’t normally wouldn’t just kill someone. Then again, Austin was willing to cover up what Ava had done to him.

However, what Ava did was an accident, she wasn’t out to kill Nikolas, just wanted to keep him from kidnapping her daughter, which he had threatened to do.

Could Nikolas have been jealous of Austin? The most logical reason for Nikolas to get rid of Austin would be jealously. Nikolas has always been attracted to Ava even when he is mad at her.

Nikolas also knows Ava slept with Austin and now that he has turned dark, that could be a reason. However, it is most likely that Nikolas had nothing to do with Austin’s death at all.

Source: https://www.nbcnews.com/
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