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General Hospital

General Hospital Spoilers: Gladys’ Plan Goes Off The Rails When Sasha Kills Her Doctor!

General Hospital spoilers report Gladys Corbin (Bonnie Burroughs) couldn’t be happier. Dr. Damon Montague (Darin Toonder) has been the answer to her prayers. He swooped in oozing charm and his skills to put Sasha right in the place Gladys intended to keep her, and Gladys was a goner.

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She is more than willing to oblige Dr. Montague with whatever he wants if he’s going to keep Sasha’s purse strings solely in her control. Could this have worked out any better for her after she was so worried the truth was going to come out – and all while she had yet to pay Selina Wu (Lydia Look) back? Well, Gladys better not count all of her eggs just yet because rumor has it this plan of the good doc’s is about to throw Sasha fiercely over the edge.

General Hospital Spoilers — Gladys Thinks She’s Home Free

Gladys couldn’t be more delighted with how things have played out for her. Just when she was feeling more down on her luck than ever before, a familiar face from across the poker table — Dr. Montague — stepped in and made it all better. Being appointed by the court to oversee Sasha’s care and evaluate her ability to handle her own affairs came as a quote a blessing to them both. Now, Gladys and the good doc are both rolling in the dough — Sasha’s dough. Gladys can rest easy and trust that she’s in the clear, right?

General Hospital Spoilers: Gladys’ Plan Goes Off the Rails When Sasha Kills Her Doctor!

GH Spoilers Indicate Dr. Montague Will Pay for Gladys’ Sins

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Gladys might be free from persecution but that doesn’t mean Sasha’s doctor is. Little does he know, helping Gladys out is going to pay him back in a fairly brutal fashion. When he put Sasha on benzodiazepines, he expected them to cross-react with her antidepressants and cause some mood swings and irresponsible behavior, but he never expected he would become her target. When Sasha starts piecing together what has happened to cause her latest bout of erratic behavior, she will take her frustrations out on Dr. Montague — on whom she casts the full blame.

General Hospital Spoilers — The Cover-Up

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When Sasha attacks Dr. Montague and leaves him lying in a pool of blood, Gladys is going to panic. How is she going to explain this? She just wanted to hang on to Sasha’s money a little while longer. She never expected that the cocktail of drugs she was on would cause her to spiral this way. At worst, she thought Sasha might end up in rehab again, but this latest act could have her headed toward prison instead! How will they ever pretend this didn’t happen, and how is Sasha going to handle coming down from this one?

Source: https://www.nbcnews.com/

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