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General Hospital

General Hospital Spoilers: Laura Warns Liz About Charlotte — But Is Jake Already In Too Deep?

General Hospital spoilers spill Laura Collins (Genie Francis) has found herself with a rather full plate ever since coming back from her overseas search for Nikolas Cassadine (Adam Huss).

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While that search provided just enough for her to learn her son is alive and safe, she didn’t get the reunion with him that she had hoped for.

General Hospital Spoilers Highlights

Instead, family troubles brought her home, and she has been tasked with several concerns that she may feel she has little control over.

General Hospital Spoilers: Laura Warns Liz About Charlotte — But is Jake Already in Too Deep?

Cyrus Renault (Jeff Kober) is sure to take up real estate in her mind upon his release from prison. But Charlotte Cassadine (Scarlett Fernandez) is far closer to her heart.

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When Valentin Cassadine (James Patrick Stuart) clues Laura in on all that Charlotte has been up to, she will struggle to make sense of it. Moreover, she will worry about other areas of her family this could spill over into.

General Hospital Spoilers — Charlotte is a Threat to Everyone Right Now

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Discovering that Charlotte has possibly burned down Anna Devane’s (Finola Hughes) home will rattle Laura to her core. Video footage that proves she trashed Anna’s hotel room and made threats toward her in doing so won’t help matters.

As Laura puts together the pieces of this puzzle and tries to make sense of what is going on with her granddaughter, she will be equally as worried about the rest of her family who could be vertically affected.

GH Spoilers Indicate Jake is Smitten

Charlotte has been spending quite a lot of time with Jake Spencer (Hudson West). While Jake is technically the son of Jason Morgan (Steve Morgan) — a man Laura had great respect for but was not related to — she has always treated him like part of the family, just as she has his brother, Cameron Webber (William Lipton), who also isn’t her biological grandson the way that Aiden Spencer (Enzo De Angelis) is.

General Hospital Spoilers: Laura Warns Liz About Charlotte — But is Jake Already in Too Deep?

Jake’s sudden relationship with Charlotte is going to leave Laura worried that he may end up as some kind of collateral damage in Charlotte’s plans to ruin Anna —- or worse.

General Hospital Spoilers — Elizabeth is in the Dark

Laura may try to warn Elizabeth that Charlotte isn’t in the best place right now, but it could fall on deaf ears. Normally, she takes Laura’s advice pretty seriously, but she has always liked Charlotte.

So what reason would she have to worry right now that she’s any kind of threat to her son? Laura won’t be able to convey the truth about all that is going on, but giving Elizabeth so little with regard to backing up her concerns about Charlotte won’t give Elizabeth much ammunition to even suggest that Jake lay low for a while.

Source: https://www.nbcnews.com/
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