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90 Day Fiancé

90 Day Fiancé: Paul Staehle’s Controversial Publicity Stunts Explained (Did He Really Go Missing?)

90 Day Fiancé celeb Paul Staehle isn’t known for his “normalcy,” and his history of erratic behavior’s the reason why it was so easy to dismiss Paul’s recent “missing” crisis as a publicity stunt. He’s done some strange things onscreen and off. His turbulent relationship with Karine Staehle (now known as Karine Martins) put him in the spotlight. It was difficult to watch Paul, who has poor coping skills. He appeared to display signs of mental illness. While armchair psychologists are legion, and no one should diagnose a stranger they haven’t met, it was possible to learn a lot about Paul through his franchise appearances. There were countless red flags.

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Paul made an impact in 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days season 1. His nuptials with Karine were featured during B90 season 2. He later appeared in 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After? season 5. The reality stars share two sons, Pierre and Ethan Staehle, but both lost custody of their boys. That’s a terrible thing, which speaks to the gravity of Paul and Karine’s issues. However, they’ve reportedly reconciled, and have plans to try and get their kids back. The latest crisis was serious, with Paul going missing in Brazil. Unfortunately, there were red flags there too, which made the idea of it being a hoax more feasible.

Paul Staehle’s Disappearance Raised Questions

It seems harsh to doubt a person who’s in distress. However, Paul has some fairly significant problems. So, those who don’t believe him may intuitively feel certain that he manufactured the drama for personal gain. He’s done odd things for clout and money before. While it’s entirely possible that he got lost and was terrified, there’s a decent chance that he was exaggerating or inventing his crisis.

There were multiple clues that something was off about the situation. For example, Paul’s text chain with his mother was a bit troubling. He told her he was lost and begged her to get help. However, if he was able to contact her, he could presumably have contacted first responders that might rescue him. While reaching out to a parent makes sense, if a person’s really in danger, they are likely to contact authorities first.

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There isn’t a 911 system in Brazil, but there are other options. Paul may not have been aware of them, but they are well-known. There’s a 190 emergency phone number, which links people in trouble with military police. Firefighters (193), ambulance (192) and civil defense (199) are also available. Shouldn’t Paul have used whatever phone battery power he had to contact one of these groups?

Also, Karine added a really crass life insurance post to Instagram, as seen in the screengrab above. Who would post something like that if they weren’t participating in a hoax? It’s just so offensive. It seems very ghoulish, since Paul had only recently gone missing. While the sentiment expressed about life insurance wasn’t wrong, the timing was terrible. It made her appear to be someone who was already counting the dollars she’d get if Paul was dead.

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Even she isn’t that tone-deaf (is she?), so her post could be an attempt to inject major drama into a “cooked-up” scenario. The soap opera that’s Paul and Karine keeps rolling like a freight train, but there are frequent derailments. If Paul’s Brazil drama’s revealed to a hoax, it’ll be one more black mark that becomes a part of their checkered past. It probably won’t help them get their kids back either.

Did Paul Publicize His Paternity Test To Get Attention?

Paul went low when he said he’d post a paternity test online. Someday, his son will have to read all that, and it won’t feel good that his dad doubted his mother that way. When Paul’s not acting like a fool with paternity test chatter, he’s accusing Karine of abuse, or she’s doing the same to him. These two don’t have filters, and they’ve aired their dirty laundry over and over again. It’s just so wrong to put a paternity test online, turning a child’s life into a Jerry Springer episode.

He did release the results of their second son Ethan’s DNA test, and Paul’s the father. Paul’s DNA test announcement is seen below, as per 90DayFianceNow at Instagram. While no one could call this a classy move, Paul could have been trying to drum up some cash. He wanted to livestream the results, which feels like a money grab. It’s definitely a publicity stunt, and one that calls his judgment and moral compass into question.


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Is Paul Crazy Like A Fox?

He’s accused Karine of infidelity. He’s gone missing. He’s been called an abuser. Paul’s a loose cannon whose choices are often baffling. It’s possible that he is, as the saying goes, “crazy like a fox.” However, it’s just as possible that he has real issues and needs help. Karine might benefit from counseling too. If this duo gets help from compassionate therapists, they might be able to see the error of their ways. Possibly, they could make better decisions in the future. When they start doing that, the odds of their sons being reunited with their mother and father will increase.

Right now, only Paul (and maybe Karine) can say for sure whether they created another hoax, or really had a crisis. Hopefully, Paul was on the level, and wasn’t in cahoots with his partner. Karine can be sketchy. She once asked fans if they’d like to watch her have sex with Paul online. She wasn’t joking. This duo isn’t exactly Bonnie and Clyde. They’re far too cringe to play “cool villain” parts. They’re a train wreck that stops passersby in their tracks.

90 Day Fiancé icon Paul is famous for the wrong reasons, and maybe he never should have been on TV at all. Fame may have exacerbated whatever issues he had. Getting tons of shade online probably doesn’t help him to stay balanced. However, the die is cast. Paul and Karine are stars now, and so notorious. They’re not the best role models, and they don’t pretend to be. Hopefully, they didn’t stage a disappearance to get ahead.

Source: https://www.nbcnews.com/
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