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General Hospital

General Hospital’s Tabyana Ali Has a Powerful Message ‘To Anyone That Hates Me’

Hate can be powerful and intoxicating — but it can also devastate And online, it seems to flourish far too easily. General Hospital‘s Tabyana Ali (Trina), though, has had enough of people coming for her and pushed back hard against the hate. And she did it with kindness, grace, and a firmness that let people know she was done.

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The actress took to Twitter/X to write, “To anyone that hates me. That’s absolutely fine. I don’t know you and you don’t me but regardless I’m sending you peace, safety, and prosperity… I also pray you touch some grass, see the sun, eat a delicious meal, and find something to do.”

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Fans reacted with an outpouring of love and positivity because, as Laura Wright (Carly) put it when tweeting to her friend and co-star, “you are loved big time!!” And Maura West (Ava) added, “I love you, Tabyana. I admire your strength and loving, open heart. You are a shining example of the best of humanity.”

What seems to have prompted it were utterly disgusting, racist comments directed towards Trina’s portrayer, which we will not be reprinting or giving attention to. In the end, Ali didn’t want anyone to react to the vitriol with even more. Instead, she told people to hold a mirror up to anyone spreading hate, so “they can reflect on themselves and start becoming the person the Lord intended!”

“We cannot be giving it back,” she said in a final Twitter thread. “We cannot stoop to rude/racist people’s level. It doesn’t help. We are fighting too many wars as it is.”

With that said, she went on to clarify that, “I’ve realized ignoring doesn’t help but neither does giving the energy back. We’re going in circles and that doesn’t get us anywhere. Everybody might not agree with me but that’s okay.”

So to “those” people, she just wanted to say, “I see you. And I’m sorry that this is the away you feel like you have to be seen. I’m sorry that life isn’t happening how you want. But if you found something you loved to do other than hurting people, you would never have the energy to say what you’ve been saying to people online!”

The Gates headwriter and former Bold and Beautiful writer Michele Val Jean chimed in and said while they’ve never met, she doesn’t understand why anyone would hate Ali. It was, though, a rhetorical question because there is not good answer. As she tweeted, “It’s there for the haters to examine their biases about why there would be animosity toward a talented, personable, young black woman for doing her job and taking up space on the planet.”

Perfectly said. And we’ll let Ali end this herself, because we couldn’t put it any better if we tried. “I promise life is more beautiful and peaceful and full when you give people and yourself love,” she tweeted before signing off. “I pray you don’t meet God and find yourself disappointed when he shows you the life you could’ve had, if all you had to do was stop giving out that type of energy and just went outside!”

Racism still very much exists, but it doesn’t have to. People can make the choice to push back against it, rather than embrace it. Like the lady said, touch grass people.

Source: https://www.nbcnews.com/
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