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General Hospital

General Hospital Wouldn’t Dare Be Setting Up a Who Killed Ava Story, Would They? — Plus, the Storyline That Expired Long Ago Needs to Wrap Up

Watch Your Back, Ava!

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In one episode alone, Alexis, Joss, and Nina clashed with Ava, with Alexis vowing to make her sorry for getting the ball rolling on her disbarment. Add in several former family members of Sonny’s – now all traitors – who don’t particularly like Ava’s influence over him, and you have the perfect makings of a “Who shot Ava Jerome?” storyline. Now, I don’t see Ava or Maura West going anywhere, but she’s racking up enemies like no one else except Sonny at this point. Plus, there has to be some bigger reasoning the writers have for making Ava suddenly burn so many bridges.

The Tears Kept Flowing

Finn is so sorry GH

Last week, I wrote how every day on General Hospital was a tear-jerker in the wake of Gregory’s death. The tears continued a bit this week with Alexis and Finn leaning on one another, Tracy dropping by to check on Chase and Brook Lynn, and the reading of Gregory’s will. Tracy and Chase’s conversation was exceptionally well written and acted, and the evolution of Tracy’s “feelings” and becoming “nice” throughout this storyline has been one of the best parts of it. Though for a moment, I did wonder during Finn and Alexis leaning on one another if the drama with Liz could have the writers toying with giving Finn and Alexis another try?

Finn put on his big boy pants and apologized to Liz for completely melting down on her and swearing not to touch a drink again. When she checked on Finn later, all seemed to be forgiven and understood, but it feels like there has been a disturbance in the force in their relationship. After Chase and Finn’s talk, and then his defending his brother to Liz, his overconfidence in Finn not taking another drink again seems like a big red flag. I can see Finn turning to the bottle after Gregory’s memorial… Like I said last week, it seems the writers are using Gregory’s death to shake up this very boring couple.

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Sonny Versus the World, Episode 105

Jason is shot at GH

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Once again, Sonny isn’t facing charges for the crimes he’s committed. One good thing seems to come from him beating the tar out of Dex, he now claims he’s done with Dex, calling him a distraction and a waste of his time, and he has bigger problems to deal with. That problem was predictably, Jason. Friday ended with hitmen being sent to take out Jason, and it sure looked like Sonny sent them. But did he? Brennan could have, as Cates said on Friday he appears to be having his trial stalled by his lawyers as if he’s waiting for something big to happen. And while Brennan promised Carly he wouldn’t hurt Jason, the crafty spy didn’t exactly say no one would hurt him. We just have to wait until Monday to find out!

I could actually get behind the idea of Sonny growing so manic that he tries to kill Jason himself, and Jason is forced to protect himself and take Sonny down. Sure, Jason wouldn’t kill him, but it would be something to see! Plus, it would likely put Sonny in the hospital where finally they might be able to find out his meds aren’t at the right dosage. It still boggles my mind nobody is pushing this harder! Frankly, this manic Sonny storyline, and the related Pikeman storyline, need to be wrapped up. It’s gone on way to long! And it needs to be wrapped up in a way that Brennan walks out of Pentonville, because he and Carly are oddly great together. His giving her espionage advice was hilarious.

Thirty Days

Alexis and Fergus argue GH

I’d like to think we’ve seen the last of that nasty Fergus Byrne, but I don’t think we have. I could see him showing up in Port Charles after Alexis has her license reinstated, just to try and make her life hell. I could also see them going head to head in court in the future. I was glad to see Alexis wonder out loud why Fergus was focused on her when it was Harmony who killed his brothers, though she also thinks since he can’t go after Harmony, she’s the next best thing. But why didn’t she mention Harmony in court when Fergus was firing off all his accusations?

I hope the show isn’t going to actually take thirty days to let Alexis know their decision. As I joked last week, thirty days could be the equivalent of three months on a soap. Plus, as I also said, they wouldn’t dare start this storyline only to uphold her disbarment. Or would they? Given the extreme character transformations that have been happening, I’m not so sure…

Final Odds and Ends

So it looks like the Congressman Cain… or Quartermaine story… is going full speed ahead. Michael was a pretty Debbie Downer about the whole idea until Drew’s personal cheerleader Willow made him see why it was a great one. I don’t have many thoughts on this storyline, as I find it pointless. Well, the only point to it seems to be a reason for Drew to change his last name to Quartermaine.

Maxie and Spinelli were adorable in trying to figure out how they could live together as roommates who date. Spinelli trying to explain cookies to James was also pretty funny. And whoever has been styling Kirsten Storms lately is doing a phenomenal job…. finally. People were calling her TJ-Maxie for awhile there.

Spinelli and Maxie GH

I still can’t help but feel something is going to happen to Kristina’s baby. However now that she’s in her third trimester, it might mean there will be a crisis, possibly caused by the stress of Sonny, but the baby won’t pass. Then again, this soap loves to kill off children more than all the others! The crisis would also be what pushes Kristina to not want to give up her baby, which most of us see coming. I thought Molly finally showed some growth in her conversations with Alexis and Carly, and realizing she can’t dictate Kristina’s life and question every thing she does, and she just has to hope Kristina does what’s best for her and the baby. However not telling TJ what happened at the wedding, oh he’s not going to love that! Actually, TJ finding out, and then going off on Kristina, would also be an interesting way to put the baby in jeopardy…

Finally, the Heather story has resurfaced after being sidelined for a few weeks. And while I can understand Portia’s frustration in Laura trying to look into whether Heather’s metalosis should be considered in her case, it still doesn’t make Portia’s screaming, crying and harping any less annoying… or headache inducing.

Source: https://www.nbcnews.com/
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