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General Hospital

Alexis is Stunned When Fergus Reveals the Name of Her Accuser — and Elizabeth Calls in Help for Finn

Carly arrives Anna office, feeling like she’s been summoned. Carly says she’ll save them both the time, she barely talks to Sonny and doesn’t know what is going on with him. Anna says this isn’t about Sonny. She tells her that Jack Brennan is in the hospital, as he was stabbed, or stabbed himself.

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Anna explains if you stab yourself just right, you won’t die, and you get out of prison and spend a few days in GH. Carly wonders why more inmates don’t stab themselves. Anna says Jack never said he stabbed himself, but if he had, he noted it would give him a chance to see Carly. Anna didn’t realize they were so close. Carly says she barely knows him and are not on a stab yourself to see one another basis. Carly says she has things to do, and Anna hopes it isn’t going to visit Jack.

DexBlae and Kristina GH

At Sonny’s, Ava informs Sonny that Kristina is in her third trimester, so she’s a swirl of emotions, and she may be blowing what she saw out of proportion. Sonny says when she saw him grabbing Dex, she was scared of him. Ava says it can’t help that Dex used to be one of his best friends. Sonny says he doesn’t need friends anymore. Ava assures him that Kristina will come around, but she can tell something else is bothering him. He says his sons turned on him. Ava notes the plural in that statement. He says Dante is a cop, and that comes first now. Ava says it’s terrible that Dex turned out to be a traitor, and Kristina misinterpreted his actions, but this is really all Jason’s fault for butting in. He agrees.

There is a knock at the door. Ava answers it, and it’s Carly. Carly asks if Sonny has seen Kristina. Sonny says she’s emotional right now, that’s all. Carly tells him he beat up Dex and threatened to kill him and Jason, and she saw it all. Carly thought they had come to an understanding, at least a truce. He says she didn’t see what happened, so Carly asks him to tell her. Sonny says he lost his temper and he punched Dex a few times, then kicked him, and Jason intervened and grabbed him. That’s when it escalated, and he said things he doesn’t even remember, and Kristina heard and saw it all and ran off. He says this is all Jason’s fault.

Dex speaks to Anna GH

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When he runs out of traitors to accuse, Carly asks who he will blame for the man he’s become. Sonny says she said what she needed to, and now she can go. She looks at Ava and thinks he seems to have everything he needs here. Sonny assures her that he and Kristina will be fine.

Carly leaves, and Ava tells him that she’s impressed by his restraint. It’s almost as if Carly wants him to be estranged from his own children.

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At the Metro Court, Dex thanks Kristina for her offer to testify on his behalf. Kristina says he has saved her dad so many times and proved his loyalty, so he didn’t deserve this.

Dex leaves, and Blaze tells Kristina this isn’t her fault. Kristina feels partially guilty in this situation for having blinders on. Blaze tells her that she must prioritize herself and this baby. Kristina wants this baby to be a part of a better world, and her dad deserves to be punished. Blaze offers to make them up some omelets.

Finn gives Liz two choices GH

Dex drops by to see Anna, and she’s shocked to see his face. She asks what happened. He says off the record, it was Sonny. He explains what happened, that Jason stepped in, and Kristina saw the whole thing. Anna knows Kristina adores her father. He doesn’t think so anymore. He is conflicted as if he presses charges, she will have to testify, and there is a baby to think about. He asks if he doesn’t press charges, is he tarnishing the badge before he puts it on?

Anna says caring about Kristina’s well-being does not affect his ability to be a good cop. He says this is a failure to report a crime. Anna says the world isn’t black and white; if it were, it would be easy for everyone to become a cop. She looks at the bigger picture and says Diane would get Sonny a minimum sentence, and his entire family, including Kristina, will be dragged into this. She tells him that he’s the victim of this crime, but every crime has ripple effects that change people in small and sometimes big ways. She says he is within his rights to report the assault, but he isn’t obligated to. Anna admits this might not be the right time to go after Sonny. He thanks her for talking to him, but she doesn’t know if she did any good. She hopes she hasn’t dissuaded him from pressing charges if he wants to. Dex decides not to, and to live in the grey. Anna tells him she thinks he will be a very good cop. Dex heads out.

Lois and Ned kitchen GH

At Finn’s, Liz tells him that she cares about him too much to let him throw away his sobriety. She says the booze isn’t helping him, so he has to put it away for his good and Violet’s. Finn lashes out that she doesn’t get to tell him what he gets to drink and when. She says she’s looking out for Violet as he looks out for her boys. Finn says she can stay here and make bracelets with Violet or leave. He opens the door, and she walks out.

At the Quartermaine mansion, Ned hugs his daughter and says he’s sorry about the honeymoon, and they can reschedule it. She doesn’t care about that. She says Chase just lost his dad, but hers is still here, and she wants him to know how much she loves him. They embrace again.

In the foyer, Chase looks at Gregory’s gift. He gets a call from Liz, who says Finn and Violet need him. He asks if she’s with them. Liz explains she was, but he is who they need right now.

Ned surprised GH

Ned finds Lois in the kitchen making food. She thinks people might be stopping by, and Brook Lynn and Chase are here. Ned says they left to go over to Finn’s after a call from Liz. Lois says every couple gets tested, but this is right out of the gate for them, so what else can the universe throw at them?

Lois asks if he’s checked on his mom. Ned hasn’t, and will later, and his mother isn’t big on emotional displays. Lois thinks Tracy had real feelings for Gregory. Ned is shocked as he was sick when they met, and he thought all they did was argue. Lois says Tracy respects people who stand up to her, and those are the people she cares about. Ned realizes she’s right and he didn’t see it, which makes him a terrible son. Lois says he’s not, and over the past 24 hours, they’ve learned there is an invisible clock ticking for all of them, and they need to be better to each other.

Lois and Gio GH

Lois and Ned share some wine. Lois tells Ned she is glad she married him, and they had their beautiful Brook Lynn. She wouldn’t change a thing, and even having her heart broken has brought them to where they are. They are exes who love each other, are the best of friends, and in the coming years, they’ll share some beautiful grandchildren. Lois admits she’s afraid of becoming a Nona, and someone may throw her into a black dress and pair of shoes. Ned says it didn’t happen to Gloria or his mother. Ned admits that when he met her, his life was never the same, and he loves and appreciates her, too. Lois knows when they hold that grandchild someday, it will be sad that Gregory won’t be able to do the same.

Chase and BLQ arrive at Finn's GH

Later, Gio arrives, and Lois welcomes him. He’s got a ton of luggage, and Lois tells him that Yuri will take his bags to his room. Lois tells Gio the news about Gregory and that BLQ and Chase had to cancel their honeymoon. Gio thinks this is the wrong time for him to come and stay, but she says they are already getting his room ready. She says he’s family, and she’s been worried about the trouble he might get into without her watching over him. She thinks this is the right place for him, and they hug.

BLQ and Violet at Bobbie's GH

Back at Finn’s, he drinks more bourbon. Violet comes out with the friendship bracelet she made for Aiden and asks where Aunt Elizabeth went. He says something came up at the hospital, but she can give it to her later.

Finn and Brook Lynn show up. Chase immediately hugs his brother, and Brook Lynn hugs Violet. Finn was hoping that when he came back from Italy, everything would be the same, but nothing will be the same again. Chase feels it’s important that they are all here together. Brook Lynn notices the open bottle on the counter. Brook Lynn suggests to Violet that they go for a walk to let Chase and her dad talk, so they head out.

Fergus and Alexis argue GH

Finn asks Chase if he needs anything. Chase wants to know what happened, step by step. He looks at the bottle and says, “I mean everything that happened.” Finn tells his brother about sending Violet to school, then finding Dad, and he was dead. He also admits he had a drink, maybe more than one, though he’s not sure.

Brook Lynn and Violet go to Bobbie’s. Violet colors and admits she’s worried something could happen to her dad. Brook Lynn says it’s a scary thing to think about, but her dad will be around for a long time as he’s very strong.

In Albany, Fergus interrupts when Alexis states she was disbarred for perjury in testifying she did not sleep with Neil Byrne. He calls her an admitted liar. Diane objects and feels they need to find someone who isn’t going to launch into emotional outbursts continuously. The judges ask if Fergus needs to be removed, and he says no.

Alexis fights back GH

Alexis says she lied under oath, but not in a court of law. She also states it was at a medical board hearing, not a legal hearing. She says the legal board met later without her knowledge, and Fergus was part of the panel of lawyers on the board of misconduct. Fergus says he recused himself, but Alexis notes his spot was taken by his law partner. Alexis says she was not given a fair hearing, and she didn’t know the name of her accuser. Fergus says Ms. Davis never asked for the name. Alexis says she is doing it now. Fergus claims Alexis is turning this hearing into a personal vendetta, but Alexis argues he had her disbarred to avenge his brother’s death. She says she’s made mistakes but is working to right them, and she has the right to face her accuser.

The judges decide Alexis should know her accuser’s name. Fergus reveals to Alexis and Diane that it is Ava Jerome. Diane immediately requests a hearing on Ava’s credibility as this changes this entire appeal. The panel says a separate hearing won’t be granted as this case was settled years ago. Diane asks for a recess to discuss this ambush. They are given ten minutes and will then hear their final arguments.

Diane and Alexis shocked GH

Diane and Alexis step out, and Alexis can’t believe they went through all the work finding legal precedents for nothing. She says this was never about the law, this was about Ava wanting to punish her for Julian, and Fergus for Neil. Alexis says because of Ava, she lost her career and her sense of self. The bailiff informs them they are due back inside.

On the next General Hospital: Alexis argues her case to the judges, saying if she had known any of those things, she would have proceeded differently. Violet worries to Brook Lynn that she will forget her Grandpa. At the hospital, Liz asks Portia not to make her regret confiding in her. Finn asks Chase for a favor.

Source: https://www.nbcnews.com/
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