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Julie Chrisley Not Allowed To Talk To Todd On Big Day

Julie Chrisley recently celebrated her 51st birthday behind bars. Her daughter Savannah made the trip to be at the prison with her mother on her special day. Sadly, however, it was Julie’s first birthday without her husband Todd in a very long time. Making her special day even more tragic — Julie Chrisley was reportedly not allowed to talk to her husband either.

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Julie Chrisley Not Allowed To Talk To Todd On Big Day

Julie Chrisley - YouTube

Speaking to Radar Online, Julie Chrisley’s attorney, Jay Surgent, confirmed Savannah made the trip to FMC Lexington in Kentucky for her mother’s birthday. Fortunately, Savannah was able to see her mother without a piece of glass between them for her special day. Turns out, FMC Lexington in Kentucky allows inmates to have contact visitations.

Per Radar Online, Savannah was able to embrace her mother on her birthday. She was also able to sit at a small table and spend time with her as long as they followed the rules of the facility.

Per the handbook of the facility, Julie is “allowed normal parental contact with their children while visiting.” Because Savannah is Julie’s child she is permitted to give her mother both a hug and a kiss at the beginning and end of the visit.

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Julie Chrisley - Feature - YouTube

Sadly, Savannah Chrisley was not permitted to bring her mother any type of gift for her special day. She, however, did find a way to give her mother a gift anyway. In substitution of a physical item, Savannah reportedly added money to her mother’s commissary.

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Jay Surgent tells Radar Online Julie had a very nice birthday visit with her daughter. She, however, was not permitted to speak with her husband.

Limited Communication

Despite being married, Todd and Julie Chrisley are only able to communicate via email. The phone system allows inmates to place calls. They, however, cannot receive calls. So, the system is set up in a way that makes it impossible for Julie and Todd to call each other if they were permitted to do so.

Todd and Julie Chrisley Feature - YouTube

At the very beginning of their prison stint, they went through a brief period with no communication. Their legal team had to pull some strings to get them permission to communicate via email. Despite being inmates, they were granted permission to communicate this way because they were legally married.

Unless their appeal works and they get out early, it may be years before they can talk to each other or see each other.

Todd and Julie Chrisley - YouTube

Do you think it was hard for Julie to celebrate her birthday without Todd? Furthermore, do you think Todd had a hard time not being with his wife on her special day?


Source: https://www.nbcnews.com/
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