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90 Day Fiancé

90 Day Fiancé: Kobe Blaise & Emily Bieberly’s Egos Are Out Of Control (They Need To Check Themselves)

90 Day Fiancé alumni couple Emily Bieberly and Kobe Blaise are showcasing their over-inflated egos, and they need to check themselves. Viewers first watched Emily and Kobe’s 90 Day Fiancé journey on season 9. Emily and Kobe had met in China while they were both working there, and they had a whirlwind romance that resulted in Emily becoming pregnant three months into the relationship. The pair applied for a K-1 visa so Kobe could come to America and witness the birth of his son Koban, but the COVID-19 pandemic slowed down the process by years.

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17 months after applying, Kobe finally came to the U.S. Emily and Kobe wasted no time getting pregnant again, and the pair got married while Emily was pregnant with their daughter Scarlett. In 2024, the couple recently welcomed another son, Atem. They are currently being featured on 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After? season 8, and they have become cast members on the Pillow Talk spinoff as well. In their recent appearances, it has become clear that they both have egos that are too big, and they are taking advantage of those around them.

Kobe & Emily Live In Emily’s Parents’ House With Three Kids

When 90 Day Fiancé viewers met Emily, she was living in her parents, David and Lisa’s house in Salina, Kansas, along with her parents, her and Kobe’s son Koban, and her sister. When Kobe arrived, he, Emily, and Koban took over the basement area of her parents’ house. The couple rely heavily on Emily’s parents for support because they’ve built a lifestyle they need help with. David and Lisa also have a heavy hand in helping take care of Kobe and Emily’s now-three kids.

Upon Kobe’s arrival to the U.S., David had one rule for the couple, and it was not to get pregnant. Emily and Kobe disrespected her father’s rules and immediately got pregnant – but they faced no consequences. Emily and Kobe seem to think they can do whatever they want in David and Lisa’s house and that Emily’s parent’s help is unlimited. David and Lisa are enablers, but Emily and Kobe are adults who should take care of themselves.

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They are taking advantage of David and Lisa’s good family-oriented nature, and they need to realize that they are being ungracious and unappreciative.

Emily Has Never Held Down A Long-Term Job

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90 Day Fiancé Emily Bieberly & Kobe Blaise during Happily Ever After interview

Emily was nannying part-time, and while it has never been mentioned, Emily most likely had to have her parents be the co-signers of Kobe’s K-1 visa because she wouldn’t be able to qualify financially on her own. Emily’s prospects are to be a stay-at-home mom and continue to have Kobe’s kids it seems. On Kobe’s side of things, he couldn’t work when he came to America until he got his green card. By the time of the 90 Day Fiancé season 9 Tell All, Kobe said that he was working for an asphalt company. Kobe’s modeling career seemed to have ended in China.

Since then, however, Kobe tore his ACL and has had to have surgeries, meaning he has not been able to work. It’s possible that Kobe has been collecting disability. In the meantime, Emily and Kobe are on Cameo, where they charge fans for personalized messages and videos. Both of them also do promotions on their Instagram pages. Kobe has not mentioned his timeline for going back to work after his injury, leaving fans wondering how the couple supports themselves.

Emily and Kobe could be trying to become clout chasers and not have to work normal jobs, since they haven’t talked about their prospects after the show.

The pair will likely try to remain relevant in the franchise so they can continue their 15 minutes of fame and the influencer potential that comes with it.

Like many 90 Day Fiancé clout chasers in the past, Emily and Kobe seem to be falling into the pattern of relying on the show and their online promotions to make a living.

Kobe & Emily Don’t Appear Thankful To Emily’s Parents

90 Day Fiance's Kobe Blaise looks slightly surprised, Emily Bieberly has her mouth wide open in shock, and Emily's mother looks serious.

There has never been a 90 Day Fiancé scene where Emily and Kobe have genuinely thanked David and Lisa for their help and support. It seems like their help is expected. Emily comes off as spoiled and selfish while Kobe is along for the free ride.

The 90 Day Fiancé couple are freeloaders and don’t seem to contribute to the household, save for making it more chaotic with more financial responsibilities put on Emily’s parents. Since Emily’s parents have failed to set boundaries for the couple who keeps growing their family out of their means, Emily and Kobe will likely continue to stay in David and Lisa’s house. David and Lisa don’t appear to know how to say no to Emily.

Emily & Kobe Might Not Retain Their 90 Day Fiancé Relevancy

Kobe Blaise and Emily Bieberly from 90 Day Fiancé season 9 confessional moment

Emily and Kobe’s storyline in 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After? revolves around a trip they took to Kobe’s native Cameroon. Viewers watched the pair have a traditional Cameroonian wedding, blend their families, and fight contention over Kobe’s friends’ impression and dislike of Emily. Kobe also brought up his desire to move him, Emily, and the kids to Cameroon to have them experience the culture, however, Emily has shot that idea down for any time in the near future.

Emily and Kobe seem determined to have more kids and exploit Emily’s parents’ help and generosity in the U.S. Their disrespectful natures make for entertaining reality TV moments and get many fans talking online about their disdain for the couple. While the negative backlash from the couple’s decision-making and behavior does make them good candidates to continue in the franchise, that can only go so far. With so many new couples entering the franchise these days, the 90 Day Fiancé network has a solid pool of couples to showcase other than Emily and Kobe.

Emily and Kobe would only remain relevant in the 90 Day Fiancé franchise if they continue to be controversial. They could have a solid run on the Pillow Talk spinoff, but that is not one of the main shows in the network. Emily and Kobe have displayed over-inflated egos that they should put in check because they are making bad reputations for themselves and not setting a great example.

Source: https://www.nbcnews.com/
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