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90 Day Fiancé

‘90 Day Fiance’ Has Cleo Come To America Yet?

Has 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days star Cleo made it to America yet to see her man, Christian Allgood? During part one of the tell-all, the duo shocked everyone by saying they were still together. So, does that mean that they have seen each other since he was in London for the show? Read on for more details.

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90 Day Fiance Has Cleo Come To America Yet?

When Christian left Cleo behind in the season finale, it did not seem promising. She was crying, as she had been doing most of the season. As for Christian, he wanted to believe that they could make it work. However, fans of the show felt that he was just going to head straight to the airport lounge to flirt. They also felt that he liked women a little too much to be faithful and it was concerning.

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So, with all of this and the fact that he openly flirted with women in front of Cleo on 90 Day Fiance, they somehow decided to make it work. That being said, did she ever take the leap and make it to America? According to Christian’s Instagram, he has in fact been reunited with his London love. He shared a photo of the two of them, holding up cocktails and smiling. In the caption, he wrote: “Cat’s out of the bag! I can finally post about Cleo and I without spoiling it for y’all fans of the show! Here’s just a photo of us together in Minnesota enjoying some cocktails and dinner with good friends.”

Cleo, Christian-90 Day Fiance-Instagram

Though there is no time stamp on the pic, it is clear that they seem happy together. Plus, with Cleo’s sensory issues, it could not have been easy for her to make such a long trip. So, what did fans think after seeing her in America with him? They were really proud of Cleo for stepping outside of her comfort zone to come and visit.

A Lot To Come

For part two of the 90 Day Fiance tell-all, they are bringing in a woman that Christian had met in a restaurant in London. Of course, the goal is to see if he was more than just friendly with her. Followers of his were not so kind when finding out that Cleo came to visit him. “Wtf does she see in you?” one asked. Another added: “You love women to much it won’t last.” Only time will tell if this is a lasting romance or just lust.

Source: https://www.nbcnews.com/
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