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Married at First Sight

Married At First Sight Season 17: Clare Is Pushing Therapy On Cameron (She Is Overbearing)

Married at First Sight season 17, participant Clare Kerr is pushing therapy on her new husband, Cameron Frazer, and is coming off as overbearing. Clare and Cameron joined three other Married at First Sight Denver couples in getting married to a stranger they only met at the altar. The couples were matched by the Married at First Sight experts Pepper Schwartz, Pastor Calvin Roberson, and Dr. Pia Holec. The duos go through the initial wedding, followed by honeymoons, and then finally live together for weeks before the final Decision Day, where they have to decide if they want to stay married or get a divorce.

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Clare, 28, is a proudly Scottish quadruplet and a professional therapist. Cameron, 33, is a bike shop owner from New Zealand. The pair were matched because they both seek maturity and stability in a spouse and have high activity levels in common. They want independence in their relationships but want to be able to come together when it counts. Clare and Cameron had good first impressions of each other and impressed one another’s families. Viewers have been watching the pair as they get to know each other better on their Mexico-locale honeymoon.

Clare Thinks Cameron Should Be Open To Therapy

Clare and Cameron’s tension started during the honeymoon when Clare felt Cameron was inconsiderate after he didn’t offer to take her big bag. Cameron thought Clare was independent and wanted to handle it on her own. Their miscommunication and misunderstanding have given way to a new troubling encounter. One where Clare implied Cameron could benefit from therapy.

Clare began talking about being serious as a therapist before asking if Cameron had gone to therapy. He said therapy does do good for people, but he personally didn’t feel like he needed it at this point in his life. Cameron relayed that things he needs find him, and he doesn’t need an intervention because he embraces opportunity. Clare asserted that work needs to be done to get the things you want and called Cameron’s perspective privileged. Clare insinuated that Cameron’s viewpoint was wrong and that he should work for what he wants in therapy. The conversation was cringy and painted Clare as one-dimensional, close-minded, and overbearing.

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Cameron and Clare Are Very Different

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Clare believes to find opportunity, one has to have drive, and Cameron thinks opportunity comes to everyone, even those without drive. That difference was a sticking point for Clare, who vocalized that she and Cameron were very dissimilar in the way they thought, but could find things in common. Cameron said they were similar people with different perspectives. It’s clear that there is a disconnect between Clare and Cameron and that the spark they need is missing, and it could be due to the fact they are too opposite in their outlooks.

Clare Is Giving Cameron Mixed Signals

Clare said she wanted someone goofy and a man who could show his affectionate side. However, Clare has made fun of Cameron’s goofy side and has not given him a chance or been receptive to his affection. Clare is giving off mixed signals and is not relaxing one bit through the process, which is making Cameron feel uncomfortable and unable to connect with her. Since it’s still early on in the Married at First Sight experiment, fans should keep watching to find out if Clare and Cameron can come together.

Source: https://www.nbcnews.com/
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