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Married at First Sight

Married At First Sight Season 17: Becca & Austin May Be Headed For Disaster (Are They Actually Compatible?)

Although they have looked like the perfect couple so far, Married At First Sight season 17 duo Becca and Austin will soon have to deal with compatibility issues. The moment Austin and Becca met for the first time at the altar, the chemistry between the two was instantaneous. Their sense of humor, personalities, and flirty behavior made them an instant favorite, and it felt like the matchmakers were spot on with Becca and Austin’s pairing. However, that initial thought became shaky the following day when Becca revealed her health issues to Austin. Although Austin took the message in stride and offered his support, his behavior slightly changed.

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Nonetheless, after the initial pairings, Becca and Austin are the only couples on the show who haven’t had any drama since their marriage. However, a closer look at Becca and Austin’s relationship shows that they’ve only been able to maintain their cordial relationship because they’ve refused to confront the real issues in their marriage, not because there’s a lack of one. However, there have been signs that Becca and Austin’s attempt at avoiding conflict will only last for a while, and according to the Married At First Sight season 17 mid-season trailer, the couple may be headed for disaster.

Becca And Austin Have Been Avoiding Hard Topics

When Becca and Austin appeared together at the beach during Married At First Sight season 17, episode 7, it quickly became evident that although the pair knew the importance of tackling the hard stuff first in a union, they were not quite ready to do so. During their heart-to-heart talk, Becca mentioned how she preferred having deep conversations early on with people she had dated in the past, but Austin didn’t wholly welcome the approach as he replied, “To each their own, you know?” (via US Magazine). However, Austin was caught off-guard by the extent of Becca’s health issues, including endometriosis and an autoimmune disease that affects her spine, learning about it a day after the wedding.

A surprised Austin could only promise her family to research the conditions after the wedding. While Becca told Austin she believed they were too strong to get broken apart by the issues they hadn’t talked about, still not knowing about the severity of his partner’s health issues and finding out in front of her family and friends without time to react genuinely wasn’t ideal. While Married At First Sight couples have to approach their relationships unconventionally, talking to your partner about challenging and personal matters should be one of the first things in the relationship. Avoiding complex topics like religion, money, and future goals because of a solid initial connection might mean disaster for Becca and Austin in the future.

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Becca & Austin Have Different Intimacy Paces

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During Becca and Austin’s wedding, the couple were very flirty with each other, and the duo even spoke about their openness to sex, with Austin terming himself an adventurous soul. However, despite the early encouraging signs, the intimacy levels between Becca and Austin seem to have changed in recent episodes. Becca has been the one initiating kisses during the very few times they’ve kissed on-screen. Meanwhile, Austin didn’t seem interested in talking about his sex life with Becca when her friend asked, and he instead left the table to get drinks just to avoid the conversation.

The couple hardly show any romantic vibes on the show and would often high-five each other like two friends just hanging out. Becca’s health issues have been dominating the couple’s relationship, and Austin has taken a step back after learning of her previous surgeries and the severity of her condition. While Becca looks eager to get up close and personal, Austin hasn’t matched her intimacy pace, and this might lead to many more issues between the pair.

Austin Will Slam Becca For Being Controlling Of His Feelings

One thing that has been quite evident in Austin and Becca’s relationship is that Becca is the more active and outgoing of the two. Becca’s personality also translates into her influence in the relationship, often resulting in her making decisions that undoubtedly affect Austin. One of those decisions was to downplay her health issues, which, according to recent developments, will also affect the couple’s chances of becoming parents. Austin has surprisingly been avoiding conflict or challenging discussions with Becca; however, his patience will run out sooner rather than later, according to some of the scenes in the Married At First Sight mid-season 17 trailer.

Austin was shown confronting Becca for controlling his feelings, noting, “After what you said, it kinda makes me feel like you want me to just not think for myself all the time.” Austin was later seen moving his things to another place to sleep. While the reason for their disagreement has yet to be revealed in the season, it was clear Austin got tired of having to put Becca’s wants ahead of his own.

Becca Will Open Up About Feeling Rejected

Becca’s fears about being a burden to her past partners might have influenced her decision to downplay her health issues to Austin; however, since finding out, the revelation has had the same effect that Becca might have been hoping to avoid. Austin has not been overly enthusiastic about getting intimate with Becca, and the couple seem to have new issues regarding religion and whether they want to have kids. Becca’s reluctance to commit to childbearing seems to emanate from her health issues; however, Austin has expressed his desire to have multiple children.

Although Becca and Austin have been the only drama-free couples on the show so far, it is because they refuse to talk and deal with their differences, not because of their perfect compatibility. However, that will soon change according to the Married At First Sight mid-season trailer, which showed Becca telling Pastor Cal she was facing “days and nights of rejection.” Austin was later seen saying, “I can’t do it.” While Austin and Becca have tried to maintain the energy in their marriage, Austin seems reluctant to move things forward, which might lead to Becca feeling rejected again in her relationship.

Source: https://www.nbcnews.com/
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