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Married at First Sight

MAFS star Amani Aliyya responds to mom-shamers who say her kids are ‘spoiled’ and ‘cry too much’

Amani Aliyya will not let the mom shamers get the best of her as she lovingly raises her two young kids, Reign and Rai.

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The Married at First Sight star had a reassuring message for other moms as she responded to criticisms about spoiling her kids.

The always graceful mom of two didn’t opt for the epic clapback or an angry response, but she made her point very clear in a recent social media post.

Amani and her husband, Woody Randall completed their family of four on November 7, 2023, when they welcomed their second son, Rai Zahir Randall, who is now three months old.

Their first son, Reign Amir Randall made this arrival in 2022 and will be two years old in June.

The Season 11 couple has been soaking up the special moments of watching their babies grow up together, and they refuse to let the mom shamers dictate how they raise their kids.

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MAFS star Amani Aliyya screenshot

MAFS star Amani Aliyya addresses the mom shamers

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Amani recently took to social media and shared photos of her beautiful boys along with a lengthy message about parenting.

The MAFS star recounted an interaction where “someone told me they thought Reign was spoiled and that he cried too much.”

Amani said it wasn’t the first time she’d heard comments like that or had people accuse her of “spoiling” her kids.

However, she reasoned that all kids are different and parenting is different for everyone.

“I love my babies so much. I allow them to depend on me physically, mentally and emotionally, “explained Amani. ” I allow Reign to cry and point to things he wants because right now his language is still developing.”

Before ending her post, she added, “The world is hard enough, we don’t need to add to the challenges by expecting the one year olds not to cry. 🙃.”


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Amani Aliyya gets reassurance from her husband Woody Randall

If there’s one thing you can expect Woody Randall to do, it’s defend his family, and he wasn’t as graceful in his response to the critics.

“My sons will be spoiled and I don’t care who doesn’t like it. They’re not your kid they our. I hope somebody spoils these hurt soul out here. Stay blessed,” said Woody.

Meanwhile, other moms sent reassuring messages to Amani as well.

Amani Aliyya gets support on Instagram

“I love the word spoiled especially living in New Orleans. More of our blk babies in this city need to be or should’ve been spoiled as babies. Keep doing you…” wrote one commenter.

“You’re doing a wonderful job.. don’t let the people that grew up on survival.. change the way people that grew up on love…” said someone else.

Another Instagram user added, “You’re doing a great job, mama! ❤️ teaching those boys that they’re mama will always be there for them!!”

Source: https://www.nbcnews.com/
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