Married at First Sight

How Married At First Sight Producers Can Save The Show By Doing Just This One Thing

The Lifetime series Married At First Sight is on a downward spiral, but it’s not too late for producers to save the long-running series with one simple adjustment. The long-running unscripted show that matches up strangers in legal matrimony has always had a terrible track record. Since its premiere in 2014, the show’s relationship experts have been using data, experience, and intuition to make matches. Though the shows had some success stories, like Jamie Otis and Doug Hehner from season 1, the couples usually end up getting divorced.

Married At First Sight Season 17 Had The Most Contentious Cast Dynamics In Franchise History (Why They Hate Each Other)

Married At First Sight season 17 was an absolute debacle. It failed to yield any successful marriages, with one of the marriages even ending during their honeymoon. Only one couple said yes on Decision Day, and they even decided to break up the very next day. The stunning level of this season’s romantic failure has led to questions about the show’s future. Married at First Sight season 17 recently aired part 1 of its cast reunion, which revealed the cast completely corrupted the process. The shocking revelation suggests a new precedent, unless the show’s producers act quickly to stem the bleeding.

Producers Should Keep Couples Apart

Married At First Sight Becca and Austin inset with Michael and Chloe outset

During part 1 of the Married at First Sight season 17 reunion special, it was revealed that the cast had colluded to try to manipulate the process from the beginning. This ruined the entire season, pitted men and women against each other, and made it impossible for any of the marriages to succeed. Also, it set a terrible precedent for participants of future seasons of the series.

The easiest way for the show’s producers to solve this problem is to keep the participants from communicating with one another during production.

This should be contractual, where participants are legally forbidden from communicating during the process. This would require eliminating the cast’s social gatherings during the season. There is absolutely no reason for all the couples to go on a couple’s retreat weekend together, along with the single cast members. Although these gatherings add some entertainment value, they hurt the process in numerous ways, as seen during Married at First Sight season 17. Using the 90 Day Fiancé franchise as a model, MAFS couples don’t need to hang out together.

Battle Of The Sexes
Men Vs. Women

Married atFirst Sight season 17 cast Emily Balch talking in blue sweater and Austin and Becca smiling during an interview

Early in the episode, host Kevin Frazier pointed out that the men and women weren’t sitting together, for the first time in the show’s history. Throughout the season, the women of Married At First Sight season 17 flocked together, and the men were equally united. Once the participants started trying to control the narrative, battle lines became split down gender lines. The women accused the men of trying to control them, and of not being on the show for the right reasons. The men alleged that the women were misrepresenting the men’s actions and intentions.

The experience of one couple differed slightly. Married At First Sight season 17 made history in that it was the first season to feature a runaway bride. After Michael Shiakallis was stood up at the altar by his first bride, he was set up with Chloe Brown. Since Michael and Chloe’s relationship was staggered on a different timeline than the other couples, they were left out of the plot to control the narrative. The rest of this season’s couples fed on each other’s toxic drama and helped destroy each other’s chances at happy marriages.

” None of us had been on a reality show . W e had no idea what to expect, so we thought, let’s band together. Let’s not give the producers the control to spin the narrative however they want. We’re like, let’s take control for ourselves and tell our stories the way we wanted to .”

How The Process Was Corrupted

Married At First Sight Afterparty season 17

During the first part of the Married at First Sight season 17 reunion special, the cast got into a debate about their decision to work together to manipulate the process. “None of us had been on a reality show,” explained Brennan Shoyket, who was married to Emily Balch. “We had no idea what to expect, so we thought, let’s band together. Let’s not give the producers the control to spin the narrative however they want. We’re like, let’s take control for ourselves and tell our stories the way we wanted to.”

” It was the men trying to strategize with us about how to look good, how to get an Instagram following after this, how to get a business, like, how to do whatever after this .”

The Married At First Sight season 17 cast members disagreed on the motives for the ill-advised plan. Brennan insisted that the plan was designed to help everyone look better, while Emily and Becca Haley insisted that the men only cared about protecting themselves. As Becca explained, “It was the men trying to strategize with us about how to look good, how to get an Instagram following after this, how to get a business, like, how to do whatever after this.”

” A majority of a reality tv cast just admitted they intentionally created a false narrative for an entire season. They agreed as a group. Lifetime has to address this…. “

What Fans Want From Producers

married at first sight season 17 experts and becca and austin looking critical

Fans are shocked by the stunning revelation that the Married At First Sight season 17 cast has been manipulating the process, and they want Lifetime and the show’s producers to address the issue. Reddit user u/original2021 wrote, “A majority of a reality tv cast just admitted they intentionally created a false narrative for an entire season. They agreed as a group. Lifetime has to address this….”

” They need to review their contracts. If this or anything like it happens again, no money for the conspirators. Now it makes sense why it made no sense! It was a sham and utterly ridiculous. “

Another Reddit user, u/aprkacb20 concurred, writing, “They need to review their contracts. If this or anything like it happens again, no money for the conspirators. Now it makes sense why it made no sense! It was a sham and utterly ridiculous. However, they played themselves and all came out looking like ding-dongs.” Fans are angry about how the season played out, and they want legal language to be added to MAFS contracts moving forward.

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