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90 Day Fiancé

Sudden Split: Nicole and Mahmoud’s Shocking Breakup Just 1 Day After Arriving in America!

It’s been six months since I’ve seen Mahmood, and I can’t believe I’m actually going to see my husband on American soil. A few moments later, I would as well look nice for you, honey. You always look nice. It’s okay not to show your stomach. Just don’t even ruin a nice little start. Don’t start, so don’t start. There are dogs and cats with deeper relationships than these two. That’s not a joke; I mean that wholeheartedly. There are perfect strangers out there who could potentially form a more loving bond than these two in 5 minutes. Ever since Nicole and Mahmud have been on the show, their relationship has been a pretty steady downward spiral, and recently, it has reached new depths once thought to be impossible.

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This all began a few years ago when Nicole married Mahmud in Egypt and tried living there with him, but she did not like it at all. There were so many cultural and religious differences, and Nicole did not like how controlling he was. So, they decided they were going to try to live in America. However, it quickly became clear that this wasn’t an attempt to live in America; this was Nicole getting revenge for having to live in Egypt.

Anyway, as always, our story begins in an airport, and these two rarely make it outside the airport before they start arguing. I guess you could say that it’s sort of a tradition at this point for them to just constantly argue about what she’s wearing. Seriously, it’s almost exclusively what they talk about. I can’t think of any other topic that ever comes up between them. And even though this may seem sweet on the surface, do not be fooled by this sign; there’s passive aggression written all over it. She made “home” the biggest word by far and in all capital letters. Call me crazy, but I think she did that on purpose. Something tells me this sign wasn’t made out of love but rather crafted in a depression-fueled rage at 4:00 a.m.

90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way': 3 Biggest Red Flags in Nicole and Mahmoud's  Relationship

Her face has been permanently frozen in a state of terrified apprehension ever since she’s been with Mahmud. “I love you.” “How old are you?” “I’m good.” “You okay?” “Come here.” “I love you.” “I love you.” “Are you okay?” “Yes, honey, I’m just tired.” “You’re American now, huh?” “Yeah, yeah.” “Are you okay?” “Yeah, I’m okay.” You know what, though? Honestly, this whole America thing is not really doing it for me. But at least I could say I tried. What? You just got here, Mahmud; we’re still in the airport. Oh yeah, speaking of which, I actually booked a flight home on the flight here. So I think I’m just going to head out. But it was nice visiting. It was cool to see America. It was kind of boring, to be honest. But yeah, I’ll see you.

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If everything had gone that way, it actually would have been the best-case scenario for both of them. “I just saw him, and I just went running, and I just wanted this time.” “She’s a one-way not me.” “Yeah, I just–we were running to him. I’m so happy.” “Yeah, I’m beginning to come around.” “Hey, everyone seems to be coming around.” “Well, I’m not.” “We’re happy, guys. Don’t worry. There’s nothing to worry about. We’re happy. We are happy, and we came on the show to prove to the world that we’re happy. And you know what happy people do? Immediately argue when they haven’t seen each other for 6 months.” “Does that make you uncomfortable?” “Yeah, Mahmud’s in America. I can do whatever I want, whenever I want.”

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So, it’s been pretty obvious that Nicole holds a lot of resentment for the things that happened while they were living together in Egypt. And I think the realization is setting in for Mahmud that she may do some things that make him uncomfortable simply because they’re in America now. Because he kind of did the same thing to her when she was in Egypt. They’re playing a game of 90-day fiancé chicken, like who can live in whose country for a longer time without caving first. Let’s see who wins. They don’t like each other; they don’t like living in each other’s country. What is the point of this? What is this relationship? What?

Oh, here we go. “What are you talking about?” “No, I don’t know why she still acts so surprised when he brings this up. They’ve been over this, and they’ve only been over this. They haven’t talked about anything else. They’ve only talked about this. Their entire on-screen relationship is about what she’s wearing. If you took that out, they’re just two strangers. In my opinion, neither of them really respects each other for who

Source: https://www.nbcnews.com/
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