90 Day Fiancé

90 Day Fiancé’s Mike Youngquist Rubs Happiness With New Girlfriend In Natalie’s Face

Former 90 Day Fiancé star Mike Youngquist showed off how happy he is in his relationship with his new girlfriend after filing for divorce from Natalie Mordovtseva. The Washington man was once madly in love with his Ukrainian wife. He wanted to build a family with her, so he invited her to the United States. Unfortunately, Mike’s hopes and dreams never came to fruition. Natalie married Mike but ran away after she couldn’t adjust to his busy work schedule anymore. Mike waited a long time for Natalie to return. However, he also gave up eventually and found a girlfriend.

Mike enjoys sharing updates about his new girlfriend, Sara Rose, on social media. Recently, he shared an Instagram Story of Sara preparing him a meal.

Mike Youngquist 90 Day Fiancé Instagram Story

Mike took to Instagram to show off his love for his girlfriend, which seemed to be a subtle dig at Natalie. He looked excited and proudly wrote, “My Queen always making me eat all of the best food.” Mike also referred to his new partner as his “love,” claiming she was his “sugar.”

The video showed Sara preparing a broth-like soup, which looked delicious. While the 90 Day Fiancé alum didn’t refer to Natalie in the post, he likely shared the Instagram Story to make her envious.

What Has Mike Youngquist Revealed About New Girlfriend?

Natalie Mordovtseva From 90 Day Fiancé in a red dress looking to one side

Mike hasn’t shared a lot about Sara publicly. However, he has said enough to let 90 Day Fiancé fans know she’s the one for him. Recently, Mike appeared at the 90 Day: The Single Life season 4 Tell All and talked about his new partner, showing his commitment to her. He shared that he had been dating her since 2022, making their relationship nearly a year old. Mike added that Sara makes him feel appreciated and loved, which is the opposite of how Natalie treated him for so long. He seemed happy to have moved on.

Mike isn’t wrong for showing off his new girlfriend on social media. For years, he craved true love and commitment. He wanted to be in a happy relationship but was heartbroken by Natalie’s betrayal. Mike held hope for months after Natalie ran away from him. He even helped bring her mother to the United States. However, Natalie didn’t care for him enough. She pushed him away, which is why he fell so hard for Sara. Now Mike wants to broadcast his happiness to the world, and he’s completely justified in doing so.

Mike Youngquist on 90 Day Fiancé Looking Away

While Mike thinks everything will be okay for him, nobody knows what’s in the future. Mike’s new girlfriend may be using him for clout. She may have chosen to be with him to appear on reality TV someday. Hopefully, Mike’s latest gamble at love will be successful, and the American man can settle down because he has struggled a lot. He deserves a happy ending and to marry the right woman who can be the perfect partner for him and the mother to his kids.

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