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90 Day Fiancé

90 Day Fiancé: Nicole Sherbiny and Mahmoud Update After Latest Blow Up Fight

On 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After, Nicole and Mahmoud Sherinby have been reunited. Mahmoud has officially moved to the United States to be with her.

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When they were both living together in Egypt, they fought over her clothing and how she didn’t want to be just a housewife there. Now that they are both in Los Angeles, it looks as if nothing has changed.

Nicole was happy to pick up her husband from the airport, but it didn’t seem that he was happy to be there. The two of them clashed multiple times over the differences in culture and how women are treated in both countries.

Mahmoud knows how women in Egypt are supposed to act, but in Los Angeles, this doesn’t fly with Nicole. After having a huge blowout, Nicole tells Mahmoud that if he doesn’t like what he sees in America, he should probably go back to Egypt. Let’s find out more about what happened.

90 day fiance nicole sherbiny side picture

90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After Spoilers – Mahmoud Moves to Los Angeles

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When Nicole picked up Mahmoud from the airport, she felt as if things would be better as soon as he got there. This is her last attempt to save their marriage, but it doesn’t seem as if they are off to a good start.

While they are out in Los Angeles, Nicole notices that Mahmoud is looking at all of the women that he sees. She tells the cameras, “My husband is stopping dead in his tracks to stare at this woman. It makes me feel like I’m not Muslim enough for him.”

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Nicole can’t take it anymore and she tells her husband, “If you want an Arab woman, you can go back to f*****g Egypt.” He looks at her and says, “Okay, I will. I’m done.” Mahmoud is seen throwing his hands up and just walking away from Nicole.

nicole and mahmoud sherbiny in los angeles lax 90 day fiance happily ever after

90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After Spoilers – Mahmoud’s Feelings For Nicole

When Mahmoud landed in Los Angeles, he didn’t seem very excited to see her and she brought that up to him. He told her that he was very tired. She told him that he should have slept on the plane and that she would appreciate it if he acted like he was happy to see her. Mahmoud found some issues with a lot of the things that were in her house as well.

Mahmoud didn’t like a nude painting that she did when she was in art school and a mannequin that she uses for her fashion sales. These items have been there for years, so she isn’t planning on getting rid of them at all.

Be sure to tune into 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After on Sundays at 8 p.m. EST on TLC and streaming on MAX.


Source: https://www.nbcnews.com/
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