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90 Day Fiancé

90 Day Fiancé: 8 Heartbroken Cast Members That No One Can Forget (Where Are They Now?)

90 Day Fiancé heartbreak’s such a public thing, and some cast members have been emotionally crushed onscreen and off. While there have been a lot of breakups that played out while the cameras rolled, or after seasons aired, some romantic woes are a lot more memorable than others. Those who really suffered because they lost their significant others tend to stand out.

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The most heartbroken 90 Day Fiancé cast members show the pitfalls of trusting a partner – they also show the downside of being reality TV stars. In certain situations, being under a microscope can be very upsetting. The cast members featured below had the worst breakups of their lives in front of audiences.

8. Big Ed Brown’s Rumored To Have Broken Up With Liz Woods

Liz Woods Is Taunting Him With “Mystery Man” Instagram Posts

Big Ed Brown thought he found his “forever” match with Liz Woods, but his romantic future isn’t looking too rosy. Right now, Liz is taunting him online. She posted an image of a mystery man tying her shoelace, in a somewhat intimate act that seemed to imply they were quite close. People don’t usually ask acquaintances to tie their shoelaces, so this barely cryptic post seemed to scream, “I dumped Big Ed.”

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Also, Big Ed appears to be down in the dumps on Instagram. He’s not paying as much attention to his grooming as he used to, and he doesn’t seem super jolly. However, reality TV show stars sometimes play a lot of games with followers, teasing them in order to keep them guessing. So, Big and Liz’s rumored “breakup” might be just another publicity stunt.

If it’s real, it’s yet another disappointment for the man who spectacularly crashed and burned after getting his hopes up with Rosemarie Vega. In that split, he was the villain. He ripped Rose apart verbally, making her feel very small. He gave her too many presents when he should have focused on mastering the basics of human decency. Big Ed insulted her home, which wasn’t up to his standards, but Rosemarie and her family were living well below the poverty line. Finally, she dumped him, and that was really satisfying to watch.

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So, if Liz dumped Big Ed too, it’s a major life event for him. In that relationship, he invested a lot of time and energy. He broke up with Liz a whopping 11 times. Those splits were quite a red flag. Also, it was easy to suspect Liz as she was benefiting from dating him. She got famous because of him. Due to the constant breakups, her love didn’t seem sincere. She seemed to be chasing clout. Maybe Big Ed loved her more than she loved him. If so, he’s got some hard times ahead, but he will get through it. That being said, it may be one of the most hurtful things he ever goes through.

7. Michael Jessen Was Crushed When Juliana Custodio Left Him

Didn’t Michael Jessen See it Coming?


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Wine entrepreneur Michael Jessen, who’s still active on Instagram, met the much-younger model Juliana Custodio on a yacht. It was a party where plenty of attractive young women mingled with Michael and his buddies. The yacht party meetup was a little sketchy – maybe Juliana was more interested in social climbing than meeting a soul mate. Above, at Instagram, Michael regroups after his divorce, with the help of a furry friend he named Frank Zappa.

While Juliana seemed quite sincere with Michael, who appeared to have more money than her, there were little things that raised eyebrows. For example, while they were in separate countries, but still together, she used his credit card to buy a car. That wasn’t something he would have approved of, and she probably knew that.

When Juliana came to the USA, she was faced with the realities of living with an older man who already had some mileage and baggage. He had two kids and an ex-wife who seemed omnipresent. Although the ex wasn’t mean, the whole thing was just a bit too cozy. In fact, there are rumors that Michael was cheating with his former wife, but there’s no proof of that.

Regardless of what happened before the split, Michael doesn’t look as happy as he used to. His trophy wife flew the coop, and it’s not impossible that she was using him all along. However, in a way, he was doing the same to her.

Aside from the emotional damage, the other thing that made his split so heartbreaking is the fact that all of his financial problems became public, including a bankruptcy filing. Apparently, the pandemic took a serious toll on his finances, and many people found themselves in that position. As an entrepreneur, he wants to project a successful image, and all of that fell apart. That may hurt him as much as anything.

6. Chantel Everett Was Crazy In Love With Pedro Jimeno

Pedro Jimeno Really, Really Hurt Chantel Everett

Chantel Everett used to believe in Pedro Jimeno. She was crazy about the smooth and charming man from the Dominican Republic. Pedro seemed to be her dream man, and as good as it used to be for the two of them, that’s how bad it is now. He started out by teaching her Spanish, but he may have had an ulterior motive. It’s possible that he was looking for an easy mark – an American woman that he could use to get a Green Card. However, Pedro’s very slick. If it was an act, it was extremely convincing.

What’s going on in Pedro’s mind is really a bit of a mystery, but he began to freeze out Chantel before telling her that he wanted a divorce. She tried everything but couldn’t get him to change his mind. Sure, she may have played a role in their problems. In a typical marriage, both people screw up sometimes. However, the fact that Pedro’s personality changed so dramatically made it seem like he was putting on an act all along.

This woman’s felt some pain. She’s suffered so much – it’s really, really sad. It’s going to take a long time to recover from the split because she loved with her whole heart.

5. Andrew Kenton Couldn’t Make Things Work With Amira Lollysa

Andrew Kenton Was Abandoned By The Glamorous Frenchwoman


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Andrew Kenton really wanted to build a future with Amira Lollysa, but he hit some roadblocks that eventually pushed her away. During the pandemic, they planned to meet up in Mexico but it all went awry. Andrew ended up at the resort, twiddling his thumbs while his stunning partner was detained at the airport. It was an absolute disaster which foreshadowed their breakup. These two just couldn’t get it together. These days, Andrew’s showing off his dramatic weight loss, as seen in the Instagram post above. He appears to be doing well, but it’s safe to say that his split was emotionally grueling.

4. True Love Wasn’t In The Cards For Debbie Aguero

Oussama Berber Flew The Coop

Debbie Aguero is an artist who thought she connected with her soulmate, but it wasn’t meant to be. Oussama Berber was way younger and, like many much-younger 90DF franchise love interests, he had an ulterior motive. The age gap between the two was a whopping 43 years, and although age is just a number, an age gap that big often spells trouble.

He’s trying to reunite with his ex after a not-so-shocking split, but Debbie thinks he’s too mean. She claims that he says terrible things to her. For Debbie, the whole thing must seem like a nightmare. They were supposed to be sensitive artists together rather than being cruel to each other. It’s highly unlikely that she was the aggressor in their conflicts.

3. Jihoon Lee Couldn’t Keep His Family Together

Deavan Clegg Left The Underemployed Man

Jihoon Lee wasn’t really ready to have a family, and he didn’t rise to the challenge. In his defense, his first sexual encounter with Jihoon led to pregnancy. They barely knew each other. Nonetheless, a baby boy named Taeyang arrived and it was time to grow up. Deavan moved to South Korea because Jihoon told her he had a job and could support them. She arrived with high hopes but soon found out that he was underemployed. He couldn’t support them, and it was just a disaster.

Things got so messy between these two and the one who will pay for that is Taeyang, who’s now a little boy with cancer. He’s with his mother and Jihoon doesn’t get to see him. He says he’s fighting for custody. At this point, Jihoon must have some serious regrets. Deavan has a new partner and Jihoon’s been dragged through the mud. The whole situation is dark.

2. Nicole Nafziger Was Duped By Her Partner

Azan Tefou Took Her For A Ride

Nicole Nafziger was naive. A lot of women are. Actually, it’s not about sex or gender. People can be naive in relationships and they can make mistakes. They idealize situations and they’re blinded by love. That isn’t a crime, but Nicole has taken some heavy hits because she believed in Azan, who was clearly conning her. While Nicole has done things wrong, most people don’t stop to think of things from her side. She believed in this guy and even gave him money. He said he would marry her. When it all fell apart, she became the butt of jokes.

To make ends meet, Nicole is now working. She also cares for her daughter. Nicole’s active on Twitch and she has a lot going on. However, she’ll probably never shed her image as one of the most gullible 90 Day Fiancé cast members. Poor Nicole! No one wants that kind of shade.

She made things worse when she started click-baiting her followers. She teased them with fake pregnancy news more than once. This wasn’t well-received. However, the sad truth is that she was probably just trying to drum up some cash. She has bills to pay like everyone, and she’s parenting on her own. While it’s easy to feel sympathy for her, some people don’t try.

All of this – the humiliation, heartbreak, money issues… it’s a lot. She’s a human being. Nicole has probably cried many tears. She’s probably been stressed and worried about making ends meet. However, due to her gullibility and the mistakes she made on social media, she’s been turned into a sort of living cartoon character. People should look a little deeper.

1. Daniele Gates Was Conned By The Man With The Dollar Sign Tattoo

Yohan Geronimo Was A Total Player & User

Daniele Gates was another too-trusting franchise woman. She dreamed of living an island lifestyle. Daniele really wanted to escape from New York. In the Big Apple, expenses were high. Life was extremely busy. Where Daniele tripped up is by dreaming too much. She had a vision of something she wanted, and then she found a man who seemed to fit her dream. However, he had no real feelings for her. In fact, since he wanted to use her to get to the States, he was malevolent. She moved to DR instead of letting him come to America. That means that she really didn’t understand to underlying transactional nature of their relationship.

He cheated on her and he lied. Yohan did that for two full years. When she found out, she was horrified. Now, she’s dealing with heartbreak but at least her parasitic partner is not in the picture. All he did was take her money and make a bunch of empty promises. She might have been enchanted by his looks, and she should have cared more about what was underneath.

Being heartbroken means that a person has a heart. It’s endearing. Someone who can feel a lot is going to get hurt sometimes. It’s just the byproduct of being emotionally whole. However, sometimes, this stuff can be very hard to deal with. While the 90 Day Fiancé cast members discussed here today have flaws, the fact that their hearts were broken doesn’t make them bad people. Big Ed has been the mean one and the heartbroken one, so he might be the exception.

Source: https://www.nbcnews.com/
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