Married at First Sight

Married At First Sight Season 17: Signs Chloe Is Purposely Scaring Michael Away (She Doesn’t Want To Be With Him)

Chloe Brown and Michael Shiakallis are the last remaining Married At First Sight season 17 couple, but is Chloe trying to scare Michael away on purpose? The series has had a terrible track record, with most of the marriages ending in divorce, and this season was no exception. Of the five couples that were married this season, one divorced during their honeymoon, and the remaining couples followed them down the divorce path.

Married At First Sight season 17 was historic as it featured the show’s first runaway bride. The unnamed bride, whose face was never shown, walked down the aisle but changed her mind at the last minute, abandoning her groom, Michael. The show’s relationship experts found Michael a second potential bride, and this one said yes; Chloe and Michael were married later than the other couples. Watching Chloe and Michael together has led to some speculation that Chloe is throwing too much at Michael to purposely drive him away.

Chloe Is Trying To Overload Their Future

Married At First Sight Season 17 Michael And Chloe

Married At First Sight season 17’s Chloe dreams of living a unique life surrounded by animals. Though this is a lovely dream, she expects her husband to share their home with as many animals as possible. She dreams of turning their home into an animal sanctuary for elderly and disabled animals, even taking Michael to a similar sanctuary to show him. Michael is also an animal lover and tries to be a good sport about Chloe’s dream, willing to do some version of what Chloe wants.

In addition to all the animals Chloe wants to rescue, she would also like to foster troubled older kids. This is another thoughtful idea, but Chloe wants to take in five kids at a time, which is a huge undertaking. Michael had to think long and hard about whether he could take on this massive responsibility of being a foster parent to many children and animals.

Between all the kids and all the animals she wanted to adopt, Chloe had left little to no room for Michael.

Chloe Expressed Disdain For Michael’s Style

Married At First Sight Michael Shiakallis inset, with Chloe Brown on either side of him

Michael fearlessly embraces his feminine side and has an individual sense of personal style. Covered in tattoos, Michael wears his body art like a canvas and wears his hair in a wild, curly mohawk. His unconventional style serves as a testament to his willingness to break away from convention and embrace his true self. Half Filipino and half Greek, Michael is his own person and stands out in any crowd.

In contrast to Michael’s bold aesthetic, Chloe exudes a sense of timeless elegance through her clean-cut and conservative fashion choices. Her wardrobe reflects a preference for classic pieces, emphasizing simplicity and sophistication. During a recent episode, Michael was trying on her jewelry, and she was overtly uncomfortable with how in touch Michael was with his feminine side. She expressed that she was accustomed to dating traditionally masculine men, and it’s unclear why the Married At First Sight experts overlooked this difference between Chloe and Michael.

Chloe Is Too Much For Michael In The Bedroom

Married At First Sight Chloe Brown and Michael Kiakallis with adult toy store in background

Married At First Sight season 17 couple Michael and Chloe were willing to work on finding a romantic connection. During one episode, Michael and Chloe went to an adult toy store to try to break the ice. Though going to an adult toy store was unlikely to solve their intimacy problems, talking about intimacy seemed to help because, soon after, Michael and Chloe revealed they finally consummated their relationship. That being said, the couple clearly had different ideas about sex, with Chloe seeming to be much more sexually adventurous than Michael.

Is Chloe Being Fake?

Married At First Sight Chloe with Michael in the background

Soon after their Married At First Sight season 17 wedding and honeymoon, Michael and Chloe went on a couples retreat, where Chloe revealed her party girl past and that she spent time in her youth partying with celebrities. This shocking revelation has led to speculation that Chloe has ulterior motives for being on Married At First Sight and wasn’t looking for her person. Though Chloe claimed to be looking for love, it’s possible she appeared on the show for reality TV fame.

Chloe may have had good intentions when she agreed to the marriage, but her motives may have changed after meeting Michael. She may have been interested in making it work at first, but her goal has possibly shifted to using the show as a platform to find her true match. Perhaps Chloe thinks her person is out there watching the show and will slide into her DMs, or maybe she’s just trying to get cast on other dating shows.

What Do Chloe & Michael Say On Decision Day?
The Final Answer

MAFS Season 17 Michael Chloe

Though Michael and Chloe had a mostly positive experience and an open line of communication, they have struggled to see eye-to-eye regarding their future living situation. Due to the difficulty of finding a new space that could accommodate the couple and their five combined animals, Michael suggested living apart, but Chloe feels strongly that a married couple should live together. This conflict between them had Michael thinking about his marriage to Chloe in more practical terms, which led to him feeling doubts about whether they should continue their relationship after Married At First Sight season 17’s Decision Day.

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