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Married at First Sight

Married At First Sight: 8 Times The Married At First Sight Season 17 Experts Didn’t Serve Their Purpose (& Failed The Couples)

The Married at First Sight season 17 experts did not serve their purpose and majorly failed the couples in the experiment. Dr. Pepper Schwartz, Pastor Calvin “Cal” Roberson, and Dr. Pia Holec were the experts responsible for matching the Denver hopefuls, guiding them through the challenging journey, and counseling them to stay on track. The experts matched Emily Balch and Brennan Shoykhet, Lauren Goodger and Orion Martzloff, Becca Haley and Austin Reed, Clare Kerr and Cameron Frazer, and Michael Shiakkalis and Chloe Brown.

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Come Decision Day, only Becca and Austin said yes to each other despite the many tumultuous issues they were having. Emily and Brennan said no to each other, and Cameron and Clare said no to each other once again after their separation on their one-month anniversary. Orion asked for a divorce from Lauren directly following their wayward honeymoon, and Married at First Sight viewers have yet to find out the outcome of Michael and Chloe’s marriage decision. Given the many failures of season 17, the experts can be blamed for most of it.

8. Pastor Cal Could Not Get Brennan To Open Up About Attraction Loss

Brennan Stayed Close-Lipped

While Emily and Brennan seemingly had a positive and connective honeymoon, Brennan switched up upon returning to Denver. He spent the first few days of their return at his own apartment, away from Emily, and declared that he had lost attraction for her. Emily and Brennan sat with Pastor Cal to hash out what Brennan’s problem was, although Pastor Cal could not get answers or clues out of Brennan (via ET.) It was necessary at that time for Pastor Cal to get Brennan to open up because the lack of transparency caused major issues for Emily and Brennan going forward.

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“We’re not doing that,” Brennan said to Pastor Cal when Pastor Cal asked what about Emily he wasn’t attracted to.

7. Pastor Cal & Dr. Pepper Didn’t Help Becca & Austin With Their Intimacy

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Pastor Cal & Dr. Pepper Lacked The Wherewithal

Married at First Sight season 17 Dr Pepper and Pastor Cal sittin gon chairs talking

The experts tried a new tactic when Becca and Austin were hitting a wall due to their lack of intimacy and mistrust of each other. Both Pastor Cal and Dr. Pepper met with them to offer varying insight into what their core issues were and how to move forward. However, it seems the Married at First Sight experts failed to realize Austin’s triggers and how Becca should be reacting to them, because the couple went on to have more fights about the same issues discussed during the session, signaling that the experts failed.

6. Dr. Pia Caused More Problems Between Brennan & Emily

An Ugly Therapy Session Went Viral

After encountering more issues stemming from Brennan’s mysterious loss of attraction for Emily, the pair had a session with Dr. Pia that got heated. Brennan would not let Emily speak her mind, which struck a nerve with Dr. Pia. They had an uncomfortable exchange which resulted in Brennan reluctantly conceding to Dr. Pia’s direction to let Emily speak (via Lifetime.)

Dr. Pia had a visible attitude toward Brennan and tried to hold him accountable by telling him he could benefit from therapy.

Brennan walked away from the session feeling resentment, which made things more awkward and difficult for Emily, who appeared to side with Dr. Pia’s notions and advice.

The session caused more friction between Brennan and Emily and was another example of how the experts could not figure out how to resonate with Brennan to remedy his Married at First Sight marriage with Emily.

5. The Experts Chose The Wrong Bride For Michael

Michael Was Left Devastated

In a Married at First Sight first, there was a runaway bride at the altar. The victim in the devastating situation was Michael. The experts chose a bride who made all the motions of preparing for the experience, only to back out at the last second (via ET.)

“I don’t think I can do this,” the mystery woman told Michael before leaving.

Michael’s hopes and emotions were in the palms of the experts and they completely failed in their matching. They should have seen the signs that Michael’s first bride wasn’t ready for a commitment and not chosen her.

4. The Experts Did Not Step In To Help Clare & Cameron Earlier On

Deeper Issues Were Going On

Clare Kerr and Cameron Frazer from Married at First Sight season 17 sitting at kitchen counter talking

Clare and Cameron seemed to connect well at the wedding, but they had many misfires starting the night of their wedding and during the honeymoon. This resulted in Clare not being attracted to Cameron, Cameron not receiving the validation he needed, and Clare trying to avoid meeting Cameron where he needed romantically. During Decision Day, the experts acknowledged that Cameron and Clare needed their guidance and input much sooner than it was given.

By the time Dr. Pia sat with the pair, they had virtually decided to break things off.

Cameron and Clare’s deeper issues in the beginning were not addressed and it led to a swift and total meltdown of any chemistry they may have had, and the experts could have potentially saved them from themselves.

The Married at First Sight experts did not serve their purpose with Cameron and Clare, and they should hold most of the blame for the couple’s failure.

3. The Experts Did Not Help Lauren & Orion Overcome Their Honeymoon Differences

Lauren & Orion Didn’t Have A Chance

Lauren and Orion MAFS Season 17 having a video call while sitting next to each other 2

During the honeymoon, between Lauren’s insensitive joke hurting Orion, and Orion hurting Lauren by shaming her for having a recent sexual past and then flip-flopping about his feelings on it, they seemed deeply unsettled. They clearly needed the experts’ help to address the uncomfortable situations that arose and to learn from them. However, the experts could not identify what Lauren and Orion needed in order to come back together and rebuild trust and acceptance.

The experts stayed on the surface and did not challenge Orion to stop playing the victim and see the bigger picture. Dr. Pepper didn’t even attempt to help the situation even though the pair needed all the help they could get. By not doing their jobs properly, the experts let Lauren and Orion’s marriage slip away.

2. The Experts Didn’t Take Accountability For Mismatching Michael

The Experts Stood On Precedent

Married at First Sight Experts Pastor Cal Roberson Dr. Pia Holec and Dr. Pepper Schwartz

When addressing Michael’s runaway bride situation with Michael after he had some time to process, Dr. Pepper did apologize on behalf of the experts for the saddening outcome but did not take responsibility. Instead, the Married at First Sight experts stood on precedent and cited that an altar ditch had never happened, which seemed like a deflection. It was up to them to get it right, and they failed miserably.

1. The Experts Let Becca & Austin Derail After Decision Day

Issues Arose The Same Evening As Decision Day

Married At First Sight Season 17 Becca & Austin. Becca crying, Austin holding her

Becca and Austin walked away from Decision Day in a very delicate place. They had just come off of a series of fights having to do with Becca’s problems over Austin’s lack of physical intimacy, and Austin’s issues that Becca was trying to make him look bad on camera. Despite saying yes and committing to each other by trying their relationship out off camera, Becca was hurt by Austin going out with Brennan and their female producer later the same day as Decision Day.

The experts did not check in with either party that night, and Becca came to their Married at First Sight season 17 group gathering the next day fired up, and broke up with Austin. Since Becca and Austin left the experts’ care in such a fragile place, more attention should have been paid to them in order to help the only original surviving couple succeed. The experts have showcased their inability to perform their jobs in season 17, and in doing so, they failed the couples.

Source: https://www.nbcnews.com/
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