90 Day Fiancé

Emotional Twist on 90 Day Fiancé: Citra’s Father Breaks Down in Tears Over Surprising Revelation from Her & Sam!

90 Day Fiancé couple Sam Wilson and Citra recently surprised Citra’s father, Herman, with a visit to Indonesia. Sam, an Amazon employee, and his girlfriend Citra, originally from Indonesia, met on a dating app four years ago. Despite Sam’s past with drugs, Citra was understanding and supportive. They got engaged two years into their online relationship, and Citra moved to the U.S. on a K-1 visa so they could marry. Citra’s family, including her father Herman and sisters Nanda and Nafa, attended their wedding in America.

Wanting to give Herman a special surprise, Sam and Citra flew to Indonesia, despite initially telling him they couldn’t travel. Citra shared the heartwarming moment on social media, expressing joy at seeing her father’s shocked and emotional reaction. Accompanied by Sam’s brother Timmy and Citra’s sister Nafa, who are engaged, they embarked on the journey to Indonesia. After a layover in Tokyo, they finally reached their destination and met Herman in a hotel room, where he tearfully embraced Sam, feeling overwhelmed with emotion.

Fans of 90 Day Fiancé were moved by Herman’s love for Sam, noting that he didn’t just gain a son-in-law but a son. Prior to Herman’s visit to Missouri for Sam and Citra’s wedding, Sam had worried about revealing his past to the police officer, fearing it could jeopardize his relationship with Citra. Sam had been arrested in 2023 for possession of the drug Suboxone without a prescription bottle, facing potential jail time. However, Herman showed understanding and support, choosing not to take Citra back to Indonesia as Sam had feared.

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Before their wedding, Sam converted to Islam, with Herman guiding him through the process. Despite facing criticism about his appearance, particularly his bottom teeth and jaw, Sam has remained confident, attributing his unique features to his Irish heritage. Rumors about Citra being pregnant have circulated, but a recent video confirmed otherwise.

Despite the challenges they’ve faced, Sam and Citra continue to navigate their relationship with love and support from their families. Herman’s acceptance of Sam has been a testament to the strength of their bond, proving that love knows no boundaries.

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